Forum Replies Created

  • Sarah Flynn

    July 7, 2021 at 6:35 pm in reply to: Classical Music Resources.

    Hi Ronan and Steve, I am currently teaching 7-12 music in Queensland and although I’m not in a Christian school I have been attempting to integrate classical approaches to my classroom. Deep listening to pieces, teaching context and stories behind composers and I have begun to integrate elements of character formation into our units. For example, after the holidays, next week, I will begin a unit called the ‘the Heroes journey’ where we will explore how composers communicate the idea of the heroes and villains in film, musical and opera genres. I hope to engage students in some great stories such as Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Star Wars, Hamilton to look into these characters and perhaps use this to help them create a motif for their own character.

    I have a colleague who has used a character traits survey and connected these to music elements in a junior class, whereby students develop their own superhero theme. I would love to gradually develop an Australian classical curriculum.

    Ronan I am keen to connect as I didn’t know there were any classical schools in operation in Brisbane and I really want to help develop and promote CCE in Australia

  • Sarah Flynn

    October 1, 2021 at 2:32 am in reply to: Deep Dive technique-Reflection

    Hi Julie, Cello is my main classical instrument, I love its timbre so much. All the best on your journey. What would a ‘deep dive’ look like for you? If you are interested in the classical approach to music I encourage you to join that group page I hope to engage some interesting discussions there.