Advanced Certificate in Classical Education for Caprock Academy Parents

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The short course below contains three video lessons totaling 1 hour and 36 minutes from Dr. Christopher Perrin and author Joelle Hodge covering the place of the liberal arts and logic with relation to virtue formation as a central goal of education. To earn your Advanced Certificate in Classical Education for Parents from Caprock Academy, please follow these steps:

  1. If you have not yet done so, complete the prerequisite Beginner Certificate in Classical Education for Parents.
  2. Use the “Marked Complete” button at the bottom of each topic within the lessons to confirm that you have reviewed the topics under each lesson (containing optional quizzes as well as supporting outlines with other resources).
  3. Quizzes are optional and your score will not be evaluated. Simply select the “Finish Quiz” button to advance regardless of your use of the quiz option.
  4. Mark the video lesson complete after each of the topics have been reviewed.
  5. Your certificate will be available to you under “My Courses” within your user account menu when signed in to
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • 11 Topics
  • 3 Quizzes
  • 2.60 Hours
  • Course Certificate