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Grammar School Teaching and Leadership for TPA Certificate Tracks
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Lecture 1: Building on a Strong Foundation4 Topics|1 Quiz -
Lecture 2: Teaching with Excellence in the Grammar School2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 3: Classroom Management Conducive to Learning3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 4: Shepherding the Grammar School Student's Heart3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 5: Partnering with Parents2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 6: Developing a Growth Mind-Set3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 7: More Effective Lesson Planning3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 8: Teaching Reading in the Grammar School3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 9: Total Participation Techniques4 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 10: Teaching with the Brain in Mind3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 11: Building a Culture of Learning in a Grammar School3 Topics|1 Quiz
DISCUSSIONSDiscussion 1: Lori Jill's Journey into Classical Education
Discussion 2: What Makes a Great Grammar School Teacher?
Discussion 3: How to Develop a Great Grammar School
END OF COURSE TESTEnd of Course Test: Grammar School Teaching and Leadership for TPA Certificate Tracks1 Quiz
Lesson 10,
Topic 1
In Progress
Recommended Reading
Lesson Progress
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Here is the book How the Brain Learns by David A. Sousa, recommended by Lori Jill.

Here is another book she recommends by the cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham: Why Don’t Students Like School?: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions about How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom.