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Teaching the Bible Classically Graduate Course
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Lecture 1: Introduction: Is the Bible a Classic Text? Graduate Course (Preview Content) -
PedagogyLecture 2: Pedagogy Graduate Course (Preview Content)
NarrativeLecture 3: Narrative (I) Graduate Course
Lecture 4: Narrative (II) Graduate Course
CovenantLecture 5: Covenant Graduate Course
PoetryLecture 6: Poetry (I) Graduate Course
Lecture 7: Poetry (II) Graduate Course
ProphecyLecture 8: Prophecy (I) Graduate Course
Lecture 9: Prophecy (II) Graduate Course
NarrativeLecture 10: Narrative (III): Gospels & Acts (A) Graduate Course
Lecture 11: Narrative (IV): Gospels & Acts (B) Graduate Course
EpistlesLecture 12: Epistles Graduate Course
The RevelationLecture 13: The Revelation Graduate Course
EpilogueLecture 14: Epilogue
Lesson 1 of 14
In Progress
Lecture 1: Introduction: Is the Bible a Classic Text? Graduate Course (Preview Content)
In this first lecture, Dr. Fred Putman explores the answer to the question, “Is the Bible a classic text?”