End of Course Test: Scholé Muses 1: Classical Education at Home: Foundations
End of Course Test Instructions: Those wishing to earn a course certificate (with continuing education units and hours noted) need to take this pas…
End of Course Test Instructions: Those wishing to earn a course certificate (with continuing education units and hours noted) need to take this pas…
End of Course Test Instructions: Those wishing to earn a course certificate (with continuing education units and hours noted) need to take this pas…
End of Course Test Instructions: Those wishing to earn a course certificate (with continuing education units and hours noted) need to take this pas…
End of Course Test Instructions: Those wishing to earn a course certificate (with continuing education units and hours noted) need to take this pas…
Danielle Bennett Dukes presents an introduction for her course and gives four guiding questions for a kingdom-based education.
Robyn Burlew explains how to plan, write, and grade assessments along with how to give students feedback on their exams. She goes into depth on wha…
Dr. Vigen Guroian discusses the real value of fairy tales and tells about why we should introduce them to our children.
In this session, Dr. Christopher Perrin and Sarah Mackenzie (author of Teaching from Rest) discuss the ways that we can bring restful learning int…
Josh Gibbs explains how to create meaningful tests for upper-school students in literature, history, and theology.
Jason Barney discusses the essence of narration in this lecture.