Live Learning

Where Master Students
Become Master Teachers

Our popular live cohorts
now offered in flexible packages

Socratic Pardigm Plain text
Adler's 3 Pillars text
Socrates & Adler text
Iliad Plain text
Odyssey plain text
Iliad & Odyssey survey text

*Your purchase includes full access to all of for the duration of the cohort, guidance in any weekly practicums, instructor evaluation, and class discussion. Learners are responsible for the purchase of course texts in addition to their enrollment fee. 

Simple Course Enrollment

2. Return Here from Home Page to Enroll

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Choose from these Flexible Purchase Options

Jon Balsbaugh

3 Sessions; $272.50 + book cost

3 Sessions; $272.50 + book cost

6 sessions; $545 + book costs

6 sessions; $545 + book costs

Wesley Callihan

6 sessions; $545 (texts in public domain)

6 sessions; $545 + book cost

6 sessions; $545 + book cost

12 sessions; $1090 + book costs

Course & Instructor Details

Learn with Jon Balsbaugh

Learn with Wesley Callihan

As the historical figure who was imprisoned and executed for his ideas or as the character we know as in Plato’s many dialogues, Socrates is a pillar of the classical tradition. Join Professor Jon Balsbaugh for a discussion of Socrates as a learner, teacher, and guide “out of the cave.” The course will include the reading and discussion of original texts as well as presentations on the application of Socrates’ life and teachings to the classroom—what has come to be known as “the Socratic method.”

In the early 1980s, educational philosopher Mortimer Adler published a trilogy of books proposing a reform of educational practice in the United States: The Paideia Proposal (1982), Paideia Problems and Possibilities (1983), and The Paideia Program (1984). One of the most important outcomes of Adler’s efforts was a method of teaching that relied upon three pillars: didactic instruction, coaching, and seminar. Professor Jon Balsbaugh will lead this course on how to use the pillars of instruction in the classroom. The course will include reading and presentations on the practical application of the material to the contemporary classroom setting and a wide range of subjects.

Separated by almost twenty-five hundred years, Socrates and Mortimer Adler are nonetheless participants in the same great conversation of what it means to know, to learn, and to become a truly “educated” person. This course will begin with a study of Socrates as teacher, learner and guide (with attention to developing a true “Socratic Method”); and it will continue with a practical application of Mortimer Adler’s three pillars of instruction to the classroom environment.

A survey of the art of rhetoric and its use in the Christian tradition, the classical Greek and Roman/Christian texts forming the foundation of classical rhetoric, and value/benefit of studying rhetoric apart from its use in communication; teaching rhetoric using primary sources.

A rapid survey of the great epics, with emphasis on teaching Homer – and by analogy all “pagan” literature –  from the perspective of the historical Christian tradition, especially the early Fathers.

Focus is on this great epic, with emphasis on teaching Homer – and by analogy all “pagan” literature – from the perspective of the historical Christian tradition, especially the early Fathers.

Focus is on this great epic, with emphasis on teaching Homer – and by analogy all “pagan” literature –  from the perspective of the historical Christian tradition, especially the early Fathers.

Jon Balsbaugh received his BA in English from The Master’s University (CA) and his MA in English from the University of St. Thomas (MN), where his academic work focused on C.S. Lewis and the theology of beauty. He has worked in classical education for over twenty-five years as a homeschool parent, teacher, administrator, conference speaker, consultant, and author. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Veritas Journal and the owner and operator of Kairos Educational Consulting. He and his wife, Jennifer, have five children and live in South Bend, Indiana. In addition to his academic and intellectual pursuits, he enjoys fly fishing, foraging, food, and photography.

Jon is also partnered with ClassicalU in providing professional development and teacher coaching with the recording uploads of your classroom teaching sample (with appropriate permissions).

Jon Balsbaugh Profile Shot 742 KB

Wesley Callihan grew up on a farm in Idaho and graduated with a degree in history from the University of Idaho. He has taught at Logos School, New Saint Andrews College, and Veritas Academy. In 1997 he founded Schola Classical Tutorials where he teaches online classes on the Great Books, astronomy, Church history, Greek, and Latin. He has worked with Roman Roads Media to produce Old Western Culture, a 4-year integrated humanities curriculum designed to equip homeschoolers and their families with the tools to tackle the Great Books that shaped Western civilization.

Wes likes to read, garden, watch movies, fish and hunt, travel (he offers tours most summers for his students and their families to Greece and Turkey), write, and read some more.

Wes Callihan Background

Watch for an Upcoming
Book Discussion

Join Jon Balsbaugh for a delightful interactive discussion of the new release by Classical Academic Press. In The Scholé Way, Dr. Christopher Perrin describes the tradition of restful learning, or scholé, and offers practical suggestions for how to restore it in our schools and homeschools.

Connect, Learn, Grow
More Courses to Come

Are you ready to unlock the wisdom of socratic teaching in your classroom? Become a master student this year to become a master teacher for life!

This is your opportunity to Connect, Learn, and Grow. Our learning courses provide unique apprenticeship experiences for teachers who wish to develop and refine their classroom pedagogy.

Courses include full access to ClassicalU where students will have the the opportunity to learn from many distinguished ClassicalU educators such as Dr. Christopher Perrin, Andrew Kern, and Dr. Grant Horner (and many more), read several Socratic dialogues and practice Socratic lesson planning, coaching, discussion, and seminar leadership.

Consider joining a cohort of like-minded classical educators as part of your journey to mastery.

(Note: our live learning courses are not included with subscriptions to our 100+ asynchronous video courses. However, the cost of live learning courses does include a full ClassicalU subscription for the period of enrollment.)

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
