Louis Markos

Louis Markos, PhD

Louis Markos, PhD

Professor, Author

Louis Markos (PhD, University of Michigan), Professor in English and Scholar in Residence at Houston Baptist University, holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities. He speaks widely on ancient Greece and Rome, Lewis and Tolkien, and apologetics and classical education. His 18 books include The Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian EyesFrom Achilles to Christ: Why Christians Should Read the Pagan ClassicsOn the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and LewisApologetics for the 21st CenturyWorldview Guides to the Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid, and two children’s novels, The Dreaming Stone and In the Shadow of Troy, in which his kids become part of Greek mythology and the epics of Homer.