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The Monastic Tradition of Education

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  1. Lessons

    Lesson 1: The Monastic Tradition of Education (Preview Content)
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Lesson 2: A Survey of the Monastic Tradition (Preview Content)
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Lesson 3: Work, Study, and Prayer
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Lesson 4: Deep Contemplation of Scripture and Literature
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Lesson 5: Images from San Marco Monastery, Florence
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Lesson 6: Rhythm of Solitude and Community
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Lesson 7: Rest or Scholé
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Lesson 8: Formation / Habits of Holiness
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Afterword
    Lesson 9: Afterword and Exhortation
    4 Topics
  10. End of Course Test
    End of Course Test: The Monastic Tradition of Education
    1 Quiz
Lesson 1 of 10
In Progress

Lesson 1: The Monastic Tradition of Education (Preview Content)

Dr. Christopher Perrin introduces the course and discusses historic and modern notions of monasticism, and presents the ideals of the Middle Ages as an “unfinished temple.”