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Here are the books and presentations mentioned by Andrew in this lecture:

1:56: How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension by James W. Sire

4:51: Why Johnny Can’t Read by Rudolf Franz Flesch

5:07: The Whole Language Approach by Reading Horizons

5:15: Why Johnny Still Can’t Read by Rudolf Franz Flesch

6:16: The War Against Grammar by David Mulroy

 25:20: “Spelling and the Brain”

26:06: The Phonetic Zoo

26:46: The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Bishop Spalding

26:54:-Sing, Spell, Read & Writeby Modern Curriculum Press

27:16: Anna Ingham

27:16: Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning by Anna Ingham

30:30: Primary Arts of Language by Jill Pike

39:39:-The Teacher Who Couldn’t Read by John Corcoran

42:44: Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

42:50: Joan of Arc by Mark Twain

42:57: Moby Dick by Herman Melville

43:13: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

44:13: Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis

55:16:-“But, But, But…What about Grammar?” by Andrew Pudewa

56:08:-The Bible as Literature by John B. Gabel, et al.

1:10:57: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler,

1:15:34: Historical novels by G. A. Henty

1:17:35: Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

1:17:40: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins; Divergent by Veronica Roth

1:18:12: Clive Cussler and Danielle Steel