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Humanitas Teacher Training
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Lecture 1: Humanitas Features3 Topics|1 Quiz -
Lecture 2: Back to the Sources: Introducing Humanitas2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 3: Primary Sources in the American Texts2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 4: On Teaching Difficult Texts2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 5: On Teaching Primary Texts from Discussion2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 6: Potential Pitfalls2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 7: How to Begin a Discussion on the Declaration of Independence2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 8: Anecdotes About Students and Primary Sources2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 9: Discussing Texts with Individual Students2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lecture 10: Joining the Great Conversation2 Topics|1 Quiz
SEMINARLeading a Seminar on Poetry1 Topic
END OF COURSE TESTEnd of Course Test: Humanitas Teacher Training1 Quiz
Lesson 9,
Topic 2
In Progress
Discussion Questions
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
- Discuss the value of having Socratic seminars in the classroom and how they can help students correct their own and each other’s mistakes by referring back to the text.
- How can you apply the concept of one-on-one Socratic conversations to enhance your professional development or personal learning experiences?