Custom Courses
& Certificate Tracks

Custom Courses
& Certificate Tracks

Design and Brand

Book a consult (click here) with our director, Jesse Hake, and our support team to create a learning path for your team. For organizations with a group of annual subscriptions, ClassicalU is glad to build custom courses from lessons across multiple courses or brand your own training certificate pathways using our existing courses at no additional cost for group subscribers.*

Customized content for your organization draws upon our 1000 plus lessons and 100 plus courses at no additional cost. Our learning management system will provide you with automated reports for anyone within your group subscription team. If your organization needs customized assessments, reports, or branding on your course, we can also consider with you any additional features.

Let us set up your leadership team with free access to our platform and to all of our course content as you evaluate these features. With the deployment of any custom courses or certificate tracks, we will point all of your team members to your own branded training and certificate tracks with our “My School” menu item. Link team members directly to your customized certificate tracks through their user menu dropdown.

*More extensive customized certificate pathways or more than three customized courses may require some additional annual fees that we can negotiate on a case-by-case basis.

Let's Get Started

If you are interested in this option, these steps will help you to get started:

Sample Content from ParentU

with Dr. Christopher Perrin and Justin Earley

“School is only a preparation for the home, and not the home a mere jumping off place for the school.”

G. K. Chesterton