Custom Courses
& Certificate Tracks
Support and inspire your organization
Custom Courses
& Certificate Tracks
Support and inspire your organization

Design and Brand

Consult with our director, Jesse Hake, and our support team to build custom courses for your organization and to brand your own certificate pathways using our existing courses at no additional cost for group subscribers.*

For organizations with a group of subscriptions, ClassicalU is glad to create customized courses up to four customized courses from our 1000 plus lessons and 100 plus courses for your organization at no additional cost. Our learning management system will provide you with automated reports for anyone within your group subscription team. If your organization needs customized assessments, reports, or branding or branding on your course, we can also consult with you at no cost to consider any additional features that we could supply through our learning management system. 

*More extensive customized certificate pathways or more than four customized courses may require some additional annual fees that we can negotiate on a case-by-case basis.

Let's Get Started


For organizations with a group of subscriptions, ClassicalU is glad to create up to four customized courses from our 1000 plus lessons and 100 plus courses for your organization at no additional cost. Our learning management system will provide you with automated reports for anyone within your group subscription team.

If your organization needs customized reports or branding on your course, we can also consult with you at no cost to consider any additional features that we could supply through our learning management system. Customizations may require modest additional annual fees in some cases that we can negotiate on a case-by-case basis.

If you are interested in this option, these steps will help you to get started:

  1. If you are not yet a subscriber, call or email (717-857-3362 or to provide your full name, email, and organizational website for yourself and any other leaders in your organization to get a free month of full subscription evaluation access to all of our course content. (You can also use the simple forms here to request free evaluation access or consultation time.)
  2. Review our course content using our Course Finder to search by lesson (over 1000) and by course (over 100) with new courses added every month or two. Some of your team members may also find it helpful to complete our Pathway Finder as a part of your review of our content.
  3. Do not miss our free mini-lessons (see the examples below and on ParentU) for several options with clear 10-minute orientation videos introducing classical education in a format appropriate for parents, donors, board members, and support staff.
  4. Send us a list of ideas and questions, and let us know if you would prefer a free consultation by video meeting or an initial set of answers in writing from us.
  5. If you are not yet subscribed, you will need to purchase a group subscription (monthly or annual with quantity discounts applied automatically, see our Pricing Page or request a free consultation to review options for this).
  6. Our ClassicalU team will then finalize plans with you (including confirmation of modest fees if some customized reporting or branding is required) and deliver your customized courses to you and your team.

If you are interested in this option, these steps will help you to get started:

Sample Content from ParentU

with Dr. Christopher Perrin and Justin Earley

“School is only a preparation for the home, and not the home a mere jumping off place for the school.”

G. K. Chesterton