Women in the Liberal Arts Tradition

Preview Video Course Description Philosophy, Wisdom, the Liberal Arts, the Muses, and the Virtues are personified as women in the long tradition of classical education,…


Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to Shakespeare’s Macbeth tracking the supernatural elements and…


Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to Shakespeare’s Hamlet with a half-hour lecture sharing…

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to J. R. R. Tolkien’s translation and commentary…

The Cosmic Trilogy

Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to C.S. Lewis’ Cosmic Trilogy with three lectures…

The Ethics of Elfland

Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introdu…


Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to Beowulf with a half-hour lecture sharing key…

Teaching Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo

Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo sharing key points…

On Teaching Fairy Stories

Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—opens this course with a definition of faerie and fairyland, lays…