School Leader
Free Access
100+ Courses and Resources

Evaluate Our
Training Materials

We offer full complimentary access to our platform for your entire leadership team in just 2 easy steps as you consider a subscription with our branded and customized course content. Simply fill out the form below to:

  1. book an informational meeting with our team (consultation topics listed below).
  2. and we’ll provide your leadership team with a one-month trial of course access for up to three school leaders. Sales quotes also available.

Step 1: Request School Leader Access

Step 2: Meet with Us

Our Director, Jesse Hake, would be glad to talk with any school leader (new or returning subscribers) about the features and resources on our platform. We offer up to a one-hour consultation free of charge when you book a time slot at the scheduling link below. Jesse has been directing ClassicalU since 2019 and previously served for seven years as the Principal at Logos Academy in York, Pennsylvaniahe knows your world.

Consultation Topics

Federal Title II Funding for Teacher Training

Title funds are federal monies intended to follow the individual student for the use by the school the parents/guardians have chosen for their child. These funds are distributed through agencies identified by the state department of education. Sometimes it is a branch of the local public school district that is asked to administer the distribution of these funds, and other times it might be an another entity (such as any agency that might provide services to students with disabilities). Even if another agency is identified, the local school district will know who the independent school should contact regarding Title 2 funding. This funding is distributed to all independent schools who request a portion based on several criteria (that might vary slightly by state or region): date of request with first-come-first-served being a factor, the performance of your local school district (independent schools in low-performing public school districts can be given a high portion of the resources), and the percentage of low-income students in your school district or your independent school. Once the independent school asks for criteria and deadlines, they need to submit an estimated cost for a specific number of teacher training subscriptions to and get the cost approved.

Administration Steps:

Contact Local Public School District

If you do not yet know, contact your local public school district office and ask them who you should contact about a Title 2 funding request.

Contact Local Title II Funding Office

Contact your local Title II distribution office and ask them for the deadlines and details of the process in order to get a funding request approved.

Gather Materials

Send an email to [email protected] if you need any materials from us as a part of putting together this funding request (such as a price quote or a list of available courses, etc.).

Apply for Funding

Apply for funding with your local agency and await approval.

Contact ClassicalU

Send an email to [email protected] with a note about the funding approval and the contact information
for your Title 2 funding contact so that we can set up your subscriptions and arrange for payment from your Title 2 funding office.

“The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.”

Frederick Douglass