The Geneva School

Geneva Grammar School Equipping

Welcome from Dr. Christopher Perrin

As classical educators, you will continue to be engaged in answering the fundamental question, “What is Classical Education?” Consider a welcome answer in this 11-minute lesson with Dr. Christopher Perrin.

This symposium course combines two decades of leadership and experience in the classical renewal by national leader, author, and speaker Dr. Christopher Perrin and master grammar school educator and principal Lori Jill Keeler. Learn to answer the fundamental question of “What is classical education?” and “How do we deepen and apply our understanding?” Receive practical counsel on how grammar school teachers can mentor other teachers, plan and teach with excellence, shepherd the hearts of children, and create dynamic yet peaceful classrooms where every student is engaged. Gain the confidence to apply vision and leadership from this course within your classical grammar school and classroom.

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The English educator and reformer Charlotte Mason (1842 – 1923) encouraged the practice of a reading practice called narration in which students learned to tell back and summarize passages which they have read. In this course, Charlotte Mason expert, Jason Barney explores and explains this practice and shows how teachers in classical schools can employ it to great effect and benefit. 

Andrew Pudewa, principal speaker and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, details the four arts of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In one of his most engaging presentations, Andrew distinguishes in this course between hearing and listening and talking and speaking. He concludes with discussing reading and writing, two critical language arts close to the heart of IEW’s mission. We are confident that teachers will enjoy and profit from Andrew’s insights developed through twenty years of teaching and contemplation.

This is a crucial course for any teacher preparing to teach Singapore Math. Master teacher and grammar school principal Dawn Swartz blends her familiarity with classical education, her extensive experience, and her passion for Singapore Math into this practical course on how to implement and teach Singapore Math in a school or homeschool setting.

In this much-acclaimed course by upper school and academic head at the Veritas School in Richmond, VA, Robyn Burlew shares her accumulated wisdom and practical insights for forging meaningful partnerships with parents in order to develop a rich and healthy classroom culture. When teachers, students, and parents work together in harmony education can be a joy. When there is confusion, strife, and stress, it can be a trial! This course is ideal for relatively new teachers who need to acquire the skill and wisdom for crafting harmony among students and parents.

Who We Are is a teacher training service provided by Classical Academic Press providing asynchronous video courses covering the practice, the history, and the philosophy of classical education across multiple subject areas and grade levels. Our presenters include educators, leaders, and university professors experienced in the field of classical education.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
