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Teaching with a Golden Thread: Modeling an Integrated Christian and Classical Homeschool

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  1. Unit 1: Core Educational Purpose and Vision

    Lesson 1: Vision for a Freeing and Ennobling Homeschool (Preview Content)
    2 Topics
  2. Lesson 2: Homeschooling with Focus to Fit a Flourishing Life
    3 Topics
  3. Lesson 3: How to Avoid Drowning as a Teacher
    2 Topics
  4. Lesson 4: Danielle's First Encounter with a Homeschool Student
    2 Topics
  5. Lesson 5: Teaching Prescriptively: Knowing Your Students and Helping Them Learn to Listen and See
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Unit 2: The Golden Thread and the Four Guiding Questions
    Lesson 6: What is the Golden Thread? (Preview Content)
    2 Topics
  7. Lesson 7: The Four Guiding Questions
    2 Topics
  8. Lesson 8: Using the Guiding Questions
    2 Topics
  9. Lesson 9: Using Guiding Questions to Avoid the Control of Ideologies
    3 Topics
  10. Lesson 10: Guiding Questions as a Means to Being Rooted
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Unit 3: Daily Routines and Teaching Demonstrations
    Lesson 11: Morning Prayer and Devotions
    2 Topics
  12. Lesson 12: Setting Up Your Day with a Reading
    2 Topics
  13. Lesson 13: Lesson in Place: Hearing, Seeing, and Silence in Gettysburg
    2 Topics
  14. Lesson 14: Lesson in Place: Meeting Mrs. Sharia
    2 Topics
  15. Lesson 15.1: Home Lesson Demonstration: Reading 1
    2 Topics
  16. Lesson 15.2: Home Lesson Demonstration: Reading 2
    3 Topics
  17. Lesson 15.3: Home Lesson Demonstration: Reading 3
    2 Topics
  18. Lesson 16: Lesson in Place: Learning to See God
    2 Topics
  19. Lesson 17: Lesson in Place: Living What You Learn
    2 Topics
  20. Lesson 18: A Counter-Cultural Education
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  21. End of Course Test
    End of Course Test: Teaching with a Golden Thread: Modeling an Integrated Christian and Classical Homeschool
    1 Quiz
  22. Enrichment Content
    Story of Danielle’s Journey for Her Children
  23. Lecture: A Holistic and Integrated Education
  24. The Children’s Experience of Homeschooling
  25. Danielle and Christopher Perrin in Conversation
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
  • How have you taught Have you ever encountered something unique and special about a resourceful homeschooled student? Tell about that experience?