Dr. Junius Johnson—a classical Christian educator, author, and Yale-trained scholar of theology, philosophy, and literature—provides an introduction to Beowulf with a half-hour lecture sharing key points to consider when teaching this epic poem. Dr. Johnson addresses themes and questions to bring up with your students such as, “What makes a good king?”
You may also enjoy our course On Teaching Fairy Stories with Dr. Johnson that is also available as a paperback book or a Kindle book. This book follows the content of the video course very closely but includes a bonus last chapter by the author titled “Postscript: What Does Fairyland Require?” as well as a foreword by Louis Markos. Junius Johnson has also written other books including The Father of Lights: A Theology of Beauty (Baker Academic, 2020) and Christ and Analogy: The Christocentric Metaphysics of Hans Urs von Balthasar (Fortress Press, 2010). Please watch our newsletter for updates!