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A Brief History of Progressive Education
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Introduction: Why Study Progressive Education? (Preview Content)1 Topic
Lesson 1: Progressive Education and the Progressive Movement (Preview Content)4 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 1: How Did Classical Educators Respond? (Preview Content)
Lesson 2: Education in America before Progressive Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 2: The Influence of Massachusetts in Educational History
Lesson 3: Just What is Progressive Education?3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 3: Mental Testing & the Core Beliefs of Progressive Ed.
Lesson 4: Who Was John Dewey?5 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 4: The Complexity and Contradictions of John Dewey
Lesson 5: The Progressive Revolution in American Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 6: The Administrative Progressives3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 6: What Should the Role of Efficiency Be in Education?
Lesson 7: The Pedagogical Progressives4 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 7: Persisting Classical Elements in Progressive Educators
Lesson 8: The Social Progressives3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 8: Is Child-Centered Education Appropriate in Some Ways?
Lesson 9: The "End" of Progressive Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 9: The Changing Face and Names for Progressive Education
Lesson 10: The Continuation of Progressive Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 10: Big Schools, Tracking & Pedagogy vs Subject Expertise
Lesson 11: Deepening our Understanding of Progressive Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 11: What is Media Doing to Our Concepts of Education?
Lesson 12: Taking the Long View of Progressive and Classical Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion 12: What Does It Mean to Take the Long View?
End of Course Test
End of Course Test: A Brief History of Progressive Education1 Quiz
Lesson 1,
Topic 1
In Progress
Raphael’s School of Athens
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