Join veteran Latin teacher and textbook author Karen T. Moore in her course “Classical Art and Archaeology: Teaching Latin and the Humanities with the Monuments of Rome.” This course explores the intersection of ancient literature with classical art and archaeology to enrich the study of the Latin language. Karen will demonstrate the tools and resources available to bring the lingua latina alive in the classroom through the works of ancient writers and artists. Discover renowned Greek artists like Myron, Polykleitos, and Praxiteles and their impact on Roman art, and examine the ways Romans conveyed virtue and ambition in their portrait sculptures. This course also explores the symbolic and political significance of monuments like the obelisk, the Ara Pacis, and the Arch of Titus, providing historical context and insights from ancient historians. Karen’s course offers a creative approach to teaching Latin through the lens of classical art and archaeology, enhancing your students’ understanding and appreciation of the ancient world.
Karen T. Moore holds a BA in Classics from the University of Texas and an MSc in Classical Art & Archaeology awarded with distinction by the University of Edinburgh. She is an author of the Latin Alive! textbook series and the Libellus de Historia History Reader series, both published by Classical Academic Press as well as multiple other resources for Latin educators. Karen has served as Chair of Classical Languages at Grace Academy in Georgetown, Texas, since 2002, where she built the 3-12th grade classical language program. In addition, Karen also teaches courses as an adjunct professor of Classics with Houston Christian University. She has also served in a variety of administrative roles including upper school lead teacher and director of curriculum and instruction. Karen continues to teach classical languages and ancient humanities at Grace Academy and serves as the director for their annual Senior Tour of Italy. As a teacher, she has a unique ability to instill an enthusiasm for classical literature and languages in students of all ages and skill levels. Karen and her husband Bryan are the proud parents of three Grace Academy Alumni.

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