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ParentU: Is Classical Education Right for Your Children?

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  1. "What is Classical Education?" with Christopher Perrin

    Lesson 1: Where Does Classical Education Come From?
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Lesson 2: What is Classical Education?
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Lesson 3: Classical Education Defined
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. The Renewal of Classical Education with Christopher Perrin
    Lesson 4: Retrieving & Renewing Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Lesson 5: The Fruit of the Renewal of Classical Education
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. ParentU with Justin Whitmel Earley
    Lesson 1: Classical Education & Habits of the Household
    3 Topics
  7. Lesson 2: Christian Calling with Justin Whitmel Earley
    3 Topics
  8. Habits
    Lesson 3: Invisible Habits & Real Discipleship
    3 Topics
  9. Lesson 4: Ordinary Patterns
    3 Topics
  10. Lesson 5: Attention is Life
    3 Topics
  11. Beauty
    Lesson 6: Truth & Beauty
    2 Topics
  12. Lesson 7: Beauty in Coherence
    3 Topics
  13. Lesson 8: Fragmentation From Sin
    3 Topics
  14. Classical Christian Education
    Lesson 9: Classical Education & Intentional Christian Living
    3 Topics
  15. Lesson 10: A Full Vision of Education
    3 Topics
  16. Lesson 11: Learning Alongside Your Children
    3 Topics
  17. Lesson 12: Image Bearers
    3 Topics
  18. Lesson 13: Stewarding Blessings
    3 Topics
  19. Habits of the Household
    Lesson 14: Habits of the House
    3 Topics
  20. Lesson 15: Mealtimes
    3 Topics
  21. Lesson 16: Communities Who Eat Together
    3 Topics
  22. Lesson 17: Beginnings and Endings
    3 Topics
  23. Lesson 18: Habit Formation & Physical Formation
    3 Topics
  24. Screens
    Lesson 19: Screen Limitations
    3 Topics
  25. Lesson 20: Attention
    3 Topics
  26. Lesson 21: Memorization & Attention
    3 Topics
  27. Rest
    Lesson 22: Sabbath Rest
    3 Topics
  28. Lesson 23: Yoke of Christ
    3 Topics
  29. Work
    Lesson 24: Homework
    3 Topics
  30. Parenting Communities
    Lesson 25: Communities of Parents
    3 Topics
  31. Conclusion
    Lesson 26: Conclusion
    3 Topics
Lesson 14 of 31
In Progress

Lesson 9: Classical Education & Intentional Christian Living

Justin Earley tells about what brought his family to classical Christian education.

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