Mortimer Adler said that if a classical education is the best for the few, then it is best for all. The movement to bring classical education to our cities lives out Adler’s claim, as we seek to give the best education available to those who need it most. This course on urban classical education is presented by Russ Gregg, the head of school at Hope Academy in Minneapolis, MN, where he has served for 20 years. Russ is a pioneer in urban classical education, full of vision, zeal, and much practical wisdom about how to renew our cities by bringing classical education–to all.
Teachers taking this course will be inspired and moved and will also enjoy hearing Russ’ insights and passion for education in the recorded conversations with Dr. Christopher Perrin.
Russ and his team are now working to help start classical Christian urban schools around the U.S. To learn more about this endeavor, visit the Spreading Hope website.
This course is divided into 6 presentations, each featuring Russ Gregg. The end of the course also features six conversations between Russ Gregg and Dr. Christopher Perrin (and one time with New City School Head of School, Andy Phillips), in which they discuss how Russ was led to start a classical Christian school in Minneapolis some twenty years ago, with no money, teachers, no board, and no building. They will also discuss the various challenges and joys of bringing classical education to the underserved in our cities. Within the lessons below, you will find video lectures, session outlines, recommended readings, questions for discussion and reflection, and additional recommended resources.
Russ Gregg is the founder and head of school at Hope Academy in Minneapolis, MN. Russ has served in this role for almost 20 years and is now helping others to start urban classical schools throughout the US by means of the Spreading Hope Network. He and his wife, Phyllis, who teaches 3rd grade at Hope Academy, live four blocks away from Hope Academy. They have 3 grown children. Russ serves on the board of directors of the Society for Classical Learning and has a BA in global studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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