Free Lessons for Parents

Embed and Share Any of Our Thirty-one Short Lessons with Your Organization

Dr. Christopher Perrin and Justin Whitmel Earley

What is ParentU?

In these lessons, Christopher, draws on his 25 plus years of working with classical schools and co-ops (both Christian and charter) and provides a quick orientation to the principles and practices of classical education. Justin, as a father with students at the Veritas School in Richmond, Virginia and the author of Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms shares about the journey that he and his wife took in deciding to educate their children in a Christian classical school and about how the home and the school can be harmonized.

Embed any of these thirty-one short lessons for free on your own website (click on the name under any video below to find the embed code) or create a customized course for your organization. You can view all of these lessons within our free ParentU course format (with customized embed codes available on each lesson page).

You may also contact us at 717-857-3362 or to inquire about customized mini-courses for your parents with any combinations of these ParentU lessons (as well as other ClassicalU course content).

Get the Book.

Along with Justin Earley’s videos, we encourage parents to get Justin’s award-winning book, Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms

“The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.”

Frederick Douglass