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Essentials of Effective Teaching

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  1. Lessons & Discussions

    Essentials of Effective Teaching: Course Introduction (Preview Content)
  2. Lesson 1: Foundational Principles (Preview Content)
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Discussion 1: The Teacher and Healthy Relationships (Preview Content)
    2 Topics
  4. Lesson 2: Aiming at Human Flourishing (Preview Content)
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Discussion 2: Aiming at the Right Targets
    2 Topics
  6. Lesson 3: Meaningful Planning
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Discussion 3: Meaningful Planning
    2 Topics
  8. Lesson 4: Meaningful Assignments
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Discussion 4: Meaningful Assignments
    3 Topics
  10. Lesson 5: Meaningful Assessments
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Discussion 5: Meaningful Assessments
    2 Topics
  12. Lesson 6: Meaningful and Effective Classrooms
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  13. Discussion 6: Classroom Culture, Practice, and Delivery
    2 Topics
  14. End of Course Test
    End of Course Test: Essentials of Effective Teaching
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
  • What are some of the benefits and risks of incorporating the social and physical desires of the students?
  • What are some of the ways that you might have “brain breaks” in your classroom?
  • How might a willingness to learn from students as well as teaching them change your classroom?
  • To whom might you talk or what might you read to better the way you integrate subjects in your class?
  • What does it mean for virtue to be “caught not taught” and how can you better help students catch virtue in your classroom?