Latin for the Grammar School Teacher

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This course offers demonstration lessons from two curriculum lines offered by Classical Academic Press: Song School Latin (for grades one and two) and Latin for…

Discussion 6: How to Teach History

Wes Callihan and Christopher Perrin discuss Wes’s lecture on the essential qualities and practices of a history teacher. Outline of Session (00:0…

Lesson 23: False Analogy

In this session, Aaron Larsen leads the discussion about the fallacy of false analogy. This fallacy is another fallacy of induction. When we use th…

Teaching the Bible Classically

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Course Introduction Bible scholar and professor Dr. Fred Putnam presents a course on teaching the Bible as a classic or classical text. Dr. Fred Putnam…

The Problem of Evil

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With sixteen lectures and a Q&A session, Dr. David Schenk provides a logical response to the problem of evil. He presents William Rowe’s argument for…

The Art of Poetry Graduate Course

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About the Video Lecturer Christine Perrin has taught literature and creative writing at Johns Hopkins University, Messiah College, Gordon College’s Orvieto Program, through the Pennsylvania Arts…