This is a crucial course for any teacher preparing to teach Singapore Math. Master teacher and grammar school principal Dawn Swartz blends her familiarity with classical education, her extensive experience, and her passion for Singapore Math into this practical course on how to implement and teach Singapore Math in a school or homeschool setting.
Dawn has overseen the transition to and implementation of Singapore Math in her own school (Covenant Christian Academy, Pennsylvania) and also serves as a consultant to other schools seeking to do the same. In 16 hands-on presentations, Dawn explains and demonstrates the Singapore approach to teaching mathematics with its emphasis on helping students “see” mathematics in action and thus acquire math sense or numeracy that brings delight to students. Using clear printouts and a whiteboard, Dawn demonstrates the key teaching methods employed by Singapore, including the use of the bar graph, word problems, and other pedagogies.
Dawn reports that since implementing Singapore Math, the vast majority of students at her school report a love for math that the school has never seen before. Your school or homeschool will benefit from Dawn’s experience as a math educator and consultant by means of these training videos. As you get to know Dawn here, if you wish to learn more about her consulting services, you may reach her directly from the contact form on this faculty page. Her support in person to the many specific needs of math educators has been a great help in many communities.
This course will be particularly helpful for newly hired teachers who will be teaching using Singapore Math and for those educators wanting to research the possibility of adopting Singapore Math in either a school or homeschool setting.
Although teaching students has always been her first love, Dawn Swartz has found joy in serving as the grammar school dean at Covenant Christian Academy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Dawn is a graduate of Messiah College and has served as a classical educator since 2004. She is a lover of mathematics and led her school’s adoption of Singapore Math. She also provides ongoing training and support for math teachers using Singapore Math at her school and frequently consults with others seeking to implement Singapore Math. Outside of school, Dawn enjoys spending time on the Chincoteague Island with her family, reading mysteries, pursuing dark chocolate, and playing the cello.

To learn more about earning a certificate for this course, please visit “How do I Obtain a Course Certificate?” on our FAQ page. Our course certificates are valued by classical schools and co-ops worldwide. Teachers certified with either ACSI or ACCS will see continuing education unit (CEU) credits listed on our course certificate for you to submit to either organization (with more information on certification credit here).