Assessing Students Classically
Lessons & Discussions
Lesson 1: Assessment and the Classical Tradition (Preview Content)3 Topics|1 Quiz -
Lesson 2: The History of Grading (Dr. Brian Williams)2 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 1)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 2)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 3)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 4)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 5)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 6)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 7)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 8)1 Topic
Lesson 3: The Liberal Arts and Assessment (Andrew Kern)1 Topic
Lesson 4: Josh Gibbs on How to Test Students3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion: Christopher Perrin and Josh Gibbs2 Topics
Lesson 5: Robyn Burlew on Meaningful Assessments4 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion: Christopher Perrin and Robyn Burlew2 Topics
Discussion: Christopher Perrin and Steve Turley1 Topic
End of Course TestEnd of Course Test: Assessing Students Classically1 Quiz
Assignment and Action Steps
For one week, keep a “pedagogical diary” and record how you are using the principle of good assessment. Record how you think you succeeded and failed to properly communicate with and prepare your students for any recent assessments. Consider the environment your class(es) have surrounding tests and if you are contributing to “test hype.” See if your exams serve as tools of improvement for your students and if they are actually learning from your corrections. Then, share the results with your colleagues, academic team, or another homeschooling parent. Consider having your academic team do this together and then share the results and discuss at a team meeting. If you are a homeschool parent, consider sharing with your spouse or a homeschooling friend with similar philosophy of education.