This pithy course on essential school leadership will prove to be of great benefit and importance to any classical headmaster, administrator, or principal. Veteran head of school Keith Nix leads one of the flagship classical schools in the country–the Veritas School of Richmond, VA. Under Keith’s leadership over eight years, the school has grown from approximately 200 to 600 students and acquired a remarkable campus on some 25 acres. Keith has also built a superb administrative team and faculty. In addition to his work as head of school, Keith is a sought-after consultant who regularly advises classical school leaders and boards across the country.
In this course, Keith is joined three times by upper school principal Robyn Burlew and one time by dean of academics Andrew Smith.
To learn more about the Veritas School, you may view a profile interview of Keith and Robyn here: Veritas School Profile Video
Along with serving as the head of school at Veritas School since 2010, Keith Nix serves as the treasurer for the Society for Classical Learning. He also serves on the board of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) and has served on the board of the Virginia Council for Private Education since 2013. Prior to moving to Veritas in 2010, Keith was a board member, and then later head of school at the Westminster School in Birmingham, Alabama from 2004–2010. He is a founding Arête Fellow and has facilitated the Arête Fellowship gatherings since 2009. He frequently consults with classical Christian school boards and leaders. Prior to working in classical Christian schools, Keith was president of Nixgroup, a boutique consulting firm working with start-up and early-stage organizations and businesses. He plays tennis competitively, hopes to improve his golf game, and loves to read great books. He is married to Kim, an accomplished artist; the Nixes have two grown sons and a daughter in college.
Mrs. Robyn Burlew came to Veritas as the upper school principal and academic dean in 2014, after serving in a classical and Christian school in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for 15 years. Her childhood in rural upstate New York laid the foundation for a love of the outdoors and the created world. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology at Houghton College and a master’s degree in integrated curriculum and instruction from Covenant College. Robyn has 3 grown daughters. In her free time, she enjoys the piano, hiking, and her golden retrievers.

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