Lesson Progress
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  • Summarize Plato’s understanding of justice in a society as well as in an individual. Is there a legitimate parallel between societal justice and individual justice?
  • How are Plato’s views regarding the ideal society similar to or different from contemporary views?
  • Do you agree with Plato’s notion that different individuals are best suited for different tasks? If yes, do you agree that the educational opportunities available to an individual should reflect the tasks to which he or she is best suited? In what ways does our contemporary system of higher education reflect this concept?
  • What aspects of Plato’s proposed curriculum are similar to or different from contemporary curricula? In what ways do the curricular differences reflect different conceptions of the nature of human beings or the purpose of education?
  • Do you agree with Plato that the environment in which a child is educated profoundly affects—can even be considered part of—the child’s education? To what extent?
  • Do you agree with Plato that play should be used as a pedagogical tool? To what extent?
  • Do you agree with Plato that children’s education should not be compulsory? Why or why not?
  • Plato purports that imitation affects the character of the imitator. Do you agree? Are there pedagogical practices in our schools or homeschools today that reflect this principle?
  • Summarize the Socratic method. How does the Socratic method reflect its basis in the theory of recollection?