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Assessing Students Classically
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Lessons & Discussions
Lesson 1: Assessment and the Classical Tradition (Preview Content)3 Topics|1 Quiz -
Lesson 2: The History of Grading (Dr. Brian Williams)2 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 1)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 2)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 3)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 4)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 5)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 6)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 7)
Discussion: The History of Grading (Part 8)1 Topic
Lesson 3: The Liberal Arts and Assessment (Andrew Kern)1 Topic
Lesson 4: Josh Gibbs on How to Test Students3 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion: Christopher Perrin and Josh Gibbs2 Topics
Lesson 5: Robyn Burlew on Meaningful Assessments4 Topics|1 Quiz
Discussion: Christopher Perrin and Robyn Burlew2 Topics
Discussion: Christopher Perrin and Steve Turley1 Topic
End of Course TestEnd of Course Test: Assessing Students Classically1 Quiz
Lesson 11,
Topic 1
In Progress
Discussion Questions
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
- How would you answer the following questions:
- What are the liberal arts?
- Why are they called “liberal”?
- Why are they called “arts”?
- What do you think of how Andrew and Christopher describe the fine arts? In what sense do you understand the fine arts as arts characterized by a finis (an end, something completed or finished)? How does this description cohere with or differ from your original associations with the term “fine arts”?
- In what sense are the liberal arts “liberating arts of truth perception”?
- Andrew says that assessment can bless students. In what ways can you imagine this happening?
- In what ways is your own assessment of student work personal, prompt, loving, practical, and actionable? In which areas might your current assessment practices not serve these ends?
- How might we best assess knowledge of facts?
- How might we best assess skills?
- How might we best assess ideas?
- How would you summarize Andrew’s description of wisdom? How do the liberal arts help a student to grow in wisdom?