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Effective Upper School Teaching & Leadership
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Lesson 1: Teaching Is about Students (Preview Content)3 Topics|1 Quiz -
Lesson 2: Assessing Teachers2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 3: Designing Effective Lessons2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4: The Museum Display Presentation2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 5: Leading Effective Discussions3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 6: Planning Effective Lessons2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 7: Cultivating Eloquence: Progymnasmata2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 8: Cultivating Eloquence: Declamation2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 9: Cultivating Eloquence: Mock Trial3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 10: A Brief History of Classical Education3 Topics|1 Quiz
End of Course TestEnd of Course Test: Effective Upper School Teaching & Leadership1 Quiz
Lesson 1,
Topic 1
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Recommended Reading
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The following reading also discusses the subject of effective education, though the author’s focus and approaches may differ somewhat from Schlect’s. This is not meant to dismiss his lecture, but to encourage a healthy comparison (and perhaps even a blend) of multiple perspectives. Some of the reading’s key points align with Schlect’s, others are more oriented around technical aspects of teaching which the lecture did not cover. The condensed outline should help delineate where Schlect stands relative to these variations.
Qualities of Effective Teachers, by James H. Strong, 3rd Edition (with emphasis on the preface, Chapter 1 and Chapter 8)