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Certificate Tracks
Two Variations Demonstated Below

Your Proprietary Introduction
or a ClassicalU Welcome is a teacher training service provided by Classical Academic Press with asynchronous video courses covering the practice, the history, and the philosophy of classical education across multiple subject areas and grade levels. Our presenters include educators, leaders, and university professors experienced in the field of classical education. In this 11-minute lesson, “What is Classical Education?”, Dr. Christopher Perrin invites you to contemplate this foundational question.
Demo 1: Team Category or Subject Area
Certificate Tracks
(can include custom courses)
- Teacher K-5 (or 6-12) Certificate
In this foundational course, Dr. Christopher Perrin provides a clear definition of classical education and then explores key questions that trace the history of classical education and describes its modern renaissance.
Introduction to Classical Education
In this course, Robyn Burlew (upper school and academic head at the Veritas School in Richmond, VA) shares her accumulated wisdom and practical insights into what it means to be an effective classical educator by demonstrating the philosophical and historical elements of classical education with practical planning, assessment, and execution in real classrooms with real students.
Essentials of Effective Teaching
In this second course to Essentials of Effective Teaching, popular presenter Robyn Burlew (upper school and academic head at the Veritas School in Richmond, VA) shares her accumulated wisdom and practical insights for forging meaningful partnerships with parents in order to develop a rich and healthy classroom culture.
Growing Classroom Culture through Parent Partnerships
The English educator and reformer Charlotte Mason (1842 – 1923) encouraged the practice of a reading practice called narration in which students learned to tell back and summarize passages which they have read. In this course, Charlotte Mason expert, Jason Barney explores and explains this practice and shows how teachers in classical schools can employ it to great effect and benefit.
Narration: A Classical Guide
In this course, Dr. Christopher Perrin presents the essential principles of classical pedagogy that have been part of the classical tradition of education and explains how each of them can enable one to teach with great effectiveness and impact.
Principles of Classical Pedagogy
- Math and Science
This is a crucial course for any teacher preparing to teach Singapore Math. Master teacher and grammar school principal Dawn Swartz blends her familiarity with classical education, her extensive experience, and her passion for Singapore Math into this practical course on how to implement and teach Singapore Math in a school or homeschool setting.
Teaching Singapore Math
This course is designed to equip you to teach formal logic to upper-school students as well as providing a thorough introduction to the elements of formal logic.
Teaching Formal Logic
In this course, John Mays recovers the ways in which Christian science educators can teach science not as a discrete, isolated subject, but as part of tapestry of the true, good, and beautiful that evokes wonder and curiosity. With 10 words or principles, John Mays discusses the key ideas that inform and transform science pedagogy.
Teaching Science Classically: 10 Essential Principles
This 16-lesson course features Jake Tawney, the Vice President of Curriculum for the Great Hearts network of schools. Jake presents a classical vision for mathematics and then takes participants through a tour of a short “canon” of mathematical theorems and proofs.
Classical Theorems and Proofs: An Introduction to Elegant Mathematics
In this course, veteran math educators and classical school academic leaders Andrew Elizalde and Bill Carey describe the way mathematics should be recovered and renewed as a liberal art and therefore as a humanities subject.
Teaching Math Classically
- Administrator Certificate
In this foundational course, Dr. Christopher Perrin provides a clear definition of classical education and then explores key questions that trace the history of classical education and describes its modern renaissance.
Introduction to Classical Education
In this course, master grammar school educator and principal Lori Jill Keeler blends her knowledge and insights into the classical tradition of education with practical counsel on how grammar school teachers can plan and teach with excellence, shepherd the hearts of children, and create dynamic yet peaceful classrooms.
Grammar School Teaching and Leadership
In this course, Dr. Christopher Schlect, director of the Classical Christian Studies Graduate Program at New Saint Andrews College, addresses what it means to teach upper-school students effectively and to provide excellent leadership in a classical upper school.
Effective Upper School Teaching & Leadership
This pithy course on essential school leadership will prove to be of great benefit and importance to any classical headmaster, administrator, or principal. Veteran head of school Keith Nix leads one of the flagship classical schools in the country–the Veritas School of Richmond, VA, and is joined in this course by upper school principal Robyn Burlew.
Essential School Leadership
Join Dr. Christopher Perrin as he walks through what many classical thinkers have to say about leadership and the liberal arts. Learn about how virtue is connected to leadership in the classical and Christian traditions. In this course, you will learn about leading your classical school from Augustine, Basil the Great, Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Jonathan Edwards, and from biblical wisdom.
Leadership and the Liberal Arts
Demo 2: Sequential Full-Team
Training Pathways
(can include custom courses)
Year One
(6 courses)
In this foundational course, Dr. Christopher Perrin provides a clear definition of classical education and then explores key questions that trace the history of classical education and describes its modern renaissance.
Introduction to Classical Education
In this course, Dr. Christopher Perrin presents the essential principles of classical pedagogy that have been part of the classical tradition of education and explains how each of them can enable one to teach with great effectiveness and impact.
Principles of Classical Pedagogy
In this discussion, Dr. Matthew Post and Dr. Christopher Perrin discuss American and education and the way continued and also departed from the tradition of classical education.
Discussion 3: American and Classical Education Compared
In this course, Robyn Burlew (upper school and academic head at the Veritas School in Richmond, VA) shares her accumulated wisdom and practical insights into what it means to be an effective classical educator by demonstrating the philosophical and historical elements of classical education with practical planning, assessment, and execution in real classrooms with real students.
Essentials of Effective Teaching
The English educator and reformer Charlotte Mason (1842 – 1923) encouraged the practice of a reading practice called narration in which students learned to tell back and summarize passages which they have read. In this course, Charlotte Mason expert, Jason Barney explores and explains this practice and shows how teachers in classical schools can employ it to great effect and benefit.
Narration: A Classical Guide
This course reviews assessment approaches in the history of education and suggests methods of assessing students classically that align with the ideals of the classical tradition of education.
Assessing Students Classically
Year Two
(5 courses)
In this course, Dr. Christopher Perrin helps educators to more deeply understand and apply the tradition of contemplation and restful learning encompassed by the word scholé as an older, classical approach to education that was more restful and contemplative, emphasizing deep, lasting learning.
Scholé (Restful) Learning
In this seminal course, Dr. Kevin Clark and Ravi Scott Jain (authors of The Liberal Arts Tradition) take us through a thoughtful, clear presentation of a paradigm for the tradition of classical Christian education within the larger context of a tradition that includes piety, gymnastic, music, philosophy, and theology.
The Liberal Arts Tradition
In this course, Joshua Gibbs, upper-school humanities educator at the Veritas School in Richmond, Virginia, shares what he has learned over the course of 10 years about teaching the Great Books to upper-school students. He considers not only the character of teenage students and the challenges they face (such as acedia), but also the disposition appropriate to the teacher. Josh also addresses a number of practical pedagogical issues and features several discussions between Josh and Dr. Christopher Perrin that will prompt further thought and discussion among those taking the course.
Teaching the Great Books
This 12-lesson course features Jerilyn Olson, the Vice President of Professional Development for the Great Hearts network of schools. Jerilyn connects classical principles to practical techniques that teachers can employ in the classroom.
The Teacher’s Playbook: Practical Pedagogy for Classical Educators
In this course, Dr. Christopher Perrin introduces and defines classical education, and Lori Jill Keeler provides instruction on excellent grammar school teaching.
Grammar School Symposium: Introduction to Classical Education and Grammar School Teaching
In this course, Dr. Christopher Schlect, director of the Classical Christian Studies Graduate Program at New Saint Andrews College, addresses what it means to teach upper-school students effectively and to provide excellent leadership in a classical upper school.
Effective Upper School Teaching & Leadership
Year Three
(4 courses)
In this second course, Robyn Burlew (upper school and academic head at the Veritas School in Richmond, VA) shares her accumulated wisdom and practical insights for forging meaningful partnerships with parents in order to develop a rich and healthy classroom culture.
Growing Classroom Culture through Parent Partnerships
In this course, we address why classical educators must learn the skill of Socratic teaching, and describe several approaches to leading a Socratic seminar or discussion, noting various advantages and disadvantages associated with each approach.
Socratic Teaching Symposium
In this course, Dr. Amy Gilbert Richards introduces both a philosophical basis and practical guidance for serving students with special learning needs within classical schools.
Disability and Classical Education: Student Formation in Keeping with Our Common Humanity
Choose from twenty-five self-selected hours relevant to your own teaching from the Course Finder.
Course Finder