Our Faculty

Our Faculty

DR. BRIAN WILLIAMS, Dean of the Templeton Honors College, Professor of Ethics and Liberal Studies

Dr. Brian Williams

Dean of the Templeton Honors College, Professor of Ethics and Liberal Studies

Literature Teacher Covenant Christian Academy (PA), Professor

Professor at University of Dallas and Humane Letters Teacher with Great Hearts

Hillsdale College visiting associate professor of education and
Senior Consultant with Kairos Educational Consulting

Course: Live Learning Instruction

Principal, Coram Deo Academy, Carmel IN

Tutor/Professor of Great Books, St. Johns College

Homer translator, teacher of history and the great books

Director of Ecclesial Schools Initiative

Special Education Teacher
Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader

Professor of Education, Hillsdale College, Headmaster Hillsdale Academy (MI)

Classical Education Consultant Founding Board member of Sager Classical Academy Instructor of Humanities at John Brown University

Professor of the History of Education, Grove City College

Teacher of Math, Dean of Academics, Covenant Classical School (TX)

Leader of International Classical Education, Executive Director, The Rafiki Foundation

Great Books and Humanities Teacher, Author, Veritas School (VA)

Classical School Leadership, Executive Director, Association of Classical Christian Schools

Leader of Classical Urban Education, Head of School, Hope Academy (MN)

Author and Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia

Educator/Author, Always Learning Education

Tutor/Professor of Great Books, St. Johns College

President at Classical Academic Press, Logic Educator, and Author

Math and Science Educator, Author Co-Director, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Assistant Professor of Liberal Studies Templeton Honors College at Eastern University

Teacher of Classical Pedagogy, Grammar School Principal Westminster School (AL)

Philosophy of Classical Education, Pedagogy Teacher, President The Circe Institute (NC)

Professor of English Houston Baptist University

Teacher of Science and Math, Author and Director of Curriculum

Educator, Actor, Playwright, Speechwriter

Classical Languages Chair Grace Academy (TX)

Classical School Leadership, Headmaster Veritas School (Richmond)

Vice President of Professional Development for Great Hearts Academies

Professor of Literature and Writing Messiah University

Professor of Philosophy University of Dallas

Writing, Classical Pedagogy Teacher, Author President of Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)

Professor of Bible and Liberal Studies Templeton Honors College

Professor of Music Author and Director of Professor Carol®

Course: Essential Music

Professor of Philosophy Templeton Honors College

Professor of Philosophy Messiah University

Professor of History and Liberal Studies New St. Andrews College

Professor of History and Humanities, Thomas Aquinas College

Head of School, Coram Deo Academy

Course: Growing a Classical School, Live Learning Instruction

Classically Trained Artist, Master Fine Arts Teacher with Great Hearts Academies

Grammar School and Singapore Math Teacher, Covenant Christian Academy (PA)

Course: Teaching Singapore Math, Live Learning Instruction

Vice President of Curriculum for Great Hearts Academies

Teacher of Theology, Rhetoric, Greek, Great Books, Tall Oaks Academy

Anglican Priest, classical educator, St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Crownsville

Courses: Live Learning Instruction

Author, Educator, Patristics Scholar

Four Wise, Classical Homeschool Educators